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  • Market Lane Restaurant, Cork

The Eng­lish Mar­ket, Cork

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  • View from the Princes Street entrance of the English Market in Cork. Photograph by William Murphy (
  • View of the Olive Stall in the English Market in Cork. Photograph by William Murphy (
  • View of the Ballycotton Seafood stall in the English Market in Cork. Photograph by William Murphy (
  • View of Bresnans Victuallers’ stall in the English Market in Cork. Photograph by William Murphy (
  • View of Mr Bells spice stall in the English Market in Cork. Photograph by William Murphy (
  • View of the English Market in Cork. Photograph by William Murphy (

Photographs by William Murphy,

The Eng­lish Mar­ket is located in the mid­dle of the city and has for two cen­turies been the beat­ing heart of the Island on which Cork is located.

Each day peo­ple from the city and beyond stream into the mar­ket to look over the pro­duce, ban­ter with the stall hold­ers, enjoy the smells and sounds and pur­chase the amaz­ing local pro­duce on sale within it. We are proud to use the mar­ket as the prin­ci­pal source for many of our prod­ucts, as by sup­port­ing it we ensure that it stays viable as a com­mer­cial entity and that it in turn sup­ports local grow­ers and farmers.

We named our­selves after this spe­cial place as we always want Mar­ket Lane to be syn­ony­mous with fan­tas­tic pro­duce, amaz­ing ser­vice and to be acces­si­ble to one and all. The Eng­lish Market’s proud her­itage and endur­ing appeal reminds us that if we keep it sim­ple but excel­lent, the peo­ple will come.

Our Suppliers in the English Market include:

Use the Google Indoor Street View widget above to explore the Market or click a supplier’s icon to go directly to their stall

Tom Dur­can
Tom Dur­can

Pork and meats

The Olive Stall
The Olive Stall

Olives and Toons Bridge haloumi cheese

Mr Bells
Mr Bells


The Chicken Inn
The Chicken Inn


Alter­na­tive Bread Company
Alter­na­tive Bread Company



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