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  • Market Lane Restaurant, Cork
  • Market Lane Restaurant, Cork
  • Market Lane Restaurant, Cork

All menu details, includ­ing prices are sub­ject to change

Meet some of our

Coolea cheese

Coolea cheese

Coolea Cheese is hand made on the mountain farm of the Willems family in Coolea, Co. Cork. Nothing but 100% healthy fresh cow’s milk is used to produce this high quality cheese, which we use in our French Onion Soup.

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Baldwins Ice Cream

Baldwins Ice Cream

We source our small batch proper farmhouse ice cream from Baldwins. They use milk and cream from their family farm combined with free range eggs to make their ice cream. Each small batch is handmade and combined with only the very best natural, ethically sourced ingredients.

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The Allshire family

The Allshire family

We buy wonderful aged beef from The Allshire family in Rosscarbery. We also buy bespoke pork breakfast sausages and bacon from their award winning herd and the spent grain from our brewery is used to feed their pigs.

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