shadow [presentation]
  • Market Lane Restaurant, Cork

Careers at Mar­ket Lane

We’re always inter­ested in talk­ing to tal­ented people

We like to work with friendly peo­ple who love food, who are hard­work­ing and are pas­sion­ate about our industry.

Apply online now

We are espe­cially inter­ested in talk­ing to chefs of all grades who are ambi­tious and enjoy a fast-​paced and quality-​driven environment.

We pro­vide a pro­gramme of con­tin­u­ous improve­ment for all grades of col­leagues, that offers extra-​curricular and in-​house train­ing courses up to FETAC level 6.

In addi­tion, due to the size and scope of our restau­rant com­pany, we are able to offer col­leagues the chance to move around our dif­fer­ent restau­rants (Cas­tle Café, ORSO and Elbow Lane) as cir­cum­stances allow, to get a broad level of expe­ri­ence not offered by others.

See this Inde​pen​dent​.ie arti­cle to learn more about Mar­ket Lane and the other restau­rants in our group

article on the Market Lane Group of restaurants


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